Embrace the Journey with Carin Camen

Looking to add a touch of nature's beauty to your home or wardrobe? Look no further than Carin Camen's Let's Get Lost Adventure Photography Merchandise. WIth every adventure Carin discovers the Hidden Treasures and Nature's Art. Carin hand selects which pieces go into her exclusive merchandise which is only available on her website.

So whether you're looking to add a touch of natural elegance to your home, or want to show off your love of nature with a beautiful and unique piece of clothing, Carin Camen's Embrace the Journey Merchandise is the perfect choice. Browse our collection today and discover the beauty of nature like never before.

Success is a choice. When we focus on the outcome of success, rather than the fear of failure, we choose to succeed by our actions.

To retweet or to quote retweet... that is the question. Which is better?

To retweet or to quote retweet... that is the question. Which is better? Sharing each other's work help us all to get our eyes in front of a new audience. There are benefits to both the originator and the quote re-tweeter. As with everything, there are positive and negatives. 

Retweeting keeps the originator's tweet untouched. If any comments are placed in the retweet, both the originator and the re-tweeter are notified. When you quote-retweet, the originator will not be notified of any comments. Quote retweet establishes your own tweet, while referencing the source of inspiration. 


A quote retweet can be a positive reinforcement of the original tweet, or it can be an opposing or negative viewpoint. 


As a motivational author, all my quote retweets are complementary and share my writing inspired by their tweet. Here are tips to help you decide which option is best for you.

Tip One

  • I quote retweet using three hashtags I created. These hashtags help me maintain my brand.  
    • #NatureRetweet
    • #LoveLinesRetweet
    • #ConnectionRetweet
  • While anyone can use these hashtags, they've not become a trend, which I'm actually happy about. I'm a activity tracker. I track every activity I do on Twitter to help me see what is getting results and what isn't.
  • I can quickly go into my profile, click on my hashtag and count the activity I've done.
Carin Camen Twitter Bio

Tip Two

  • When I quote retweet, I am benefiting the originator by sharing with my audience how their tweet stimulated my thoughts. My audience follows me for my writing.
    • Positive effects of quote retweeting is that I am introducing someone who inspires me.
    • It provides my readers insight into how I process information. This gives them greater detail into my writing style.

 Carin Camen Quote Retweet example

Tip Three

  • If the originator likes my quote retweet, it will show up in their likes tab.
  • This benefits them by helping them create a sales funnel in their likes tab by showing how their tweets stimulates quality engagement.
  • It keeps their original tweet in their likes tab.
  • You can use a quote-retweet on your own tweets to enhance the original tweet.

Liked Quote Retweet


Tip Four

  • Liking your own quote re-tweet will help the originator's tweet remain in your likes tab.
  • Using your likes tab as a sales funnel, helps you direct your readers interest.
  • In the example below, you can see how the quote re-tweets will live in multiple touch points.
    • Feed 
    • Personal hashtag
    • Likes page
  • This gives the originator three touch points for their tweet to be seen.


Likes Tab Quote Retweet


Tip Five

  • The power of engagement on Twitter, is in how you engage.
  • Be selective in what you quote retweet, to ensure it meets both your brand and the originators brand.
  • This will give you a greater success in your quote retweet being liked by the originator or even retweeted.
  • Engaging with larger accounts, helps to introduce you to their audience while your benefiting them by engaging in several different ways to help increase their impressions.
    • Comment
    • Quote Retweet
    • Like on original
    • Like on quote retweet 


Liked Quote Retweet 03


Tip Six

Regardless of what choice you make, be mindful that you are on social media with multiple opinions. What one finds beneficial, another may be offended and will report or block. This can occur with your tweets, comments, retweets or quote re-tweets. 

  • Get to know your audience.
  • Learn which individuals will appreciate your efforts.
  • Spread out your engagement throughout the day.
Working your social media accounts require strategy and goal planning. Creating a yearly goal and break it down into months, weeks, day, and even hourly activity. Consistency and accountability is essential to goal setting success. My STEPS to Success program guides you step-by-step on how to reset your mindset about goals.
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