Embrace the Journey with Carin Camen

Looking to add a touch of nature's beauty to your home or wardrobe? Look no further than Carin Camen's Let's Get Lost Adventure Photography Merchandise. WIth every adventure Carin discovers the Hidden Treasures and Nature's Art. Carin hand selects which pieces go into her exclusive merchandise which is only available on her website.

So whether you're looking to add a touch of natural elegance to your home, or want to show off your love of nature with a beautiful and unique piece of clothing, Carin Camen's Embrace the Journey Merchandise is the perfect choice. Browse our collection today and discover the beauty of nature like never before.

Success is a choice. When we focus on the outcome of success, rather than the fear of failure, we choose to succeed by our actions.

Feb 6, 2023

My User Experience Hat is On - Suspension Solutions

I'm facing my second Twitter 3-day suspension in two weeks, so rather than whine and cry about it, I'm putting my User Experience hat on and coming up with solutions. Whether they get implemented is out of my control. But I choose to effectively use my energy.

Apr 15, 2022

Bots... If you're out there, we will find you!

Bots... those pesky accounts none of us want following us because they are not real individuals. They make it harder for those just starting out, to verify they are not a new bot account.

Apr 14, 2022

To retweet or to quote retweet... that is the question. Which is better?

To retweet or to quote retweet... that is the question. Which is better? Sharing each other's work help us all to get our eyes in front of a new audience. There are benefits to both the originator and the quote re-tweeter. As with everything, there are positive and negatives. 

Apr 13, 2022

The Negative Impact of Social Media Lift Lists

Lift lists are quite popular. You put a bunch of names in a tweets and then people in the tweet retweet, follow, comment. Sounds great right? Well not so fast.

Apr 1, 2022

2022 - Technology in Action — Don't work harder, Work Smarter.

Consistent action create results... period. A technical analysis of how to grow your twitter page with screenshots and an action plan. Don't work harder. Work smarter.

Apr 1, 2022

2022 - Creative Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Twitter Page

For all the creatives who just want to keep things simple, I've written this blog for you. Those who succeed as an author, are those who got creative in how they were going to succeed.

Mar 30, 2022

Challenging Failure

If we didn't fail, we wouldn't gain the information we need to succeed. Overcoming fear of failure requires a modification in your mindset on how you look at failure. We've been trained in society to look at failure as a negative, when it is rather a positive. You will never uncover information required to succeed, if you're not willing to put Every goal we set requires testing to occur.
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