Since when did emotions become contagious? We are responsible for our own emotional reaction to what life places on our path. Take a good look in the mirror. The person looking back at you, is the one who is contaminating your mind with the virus of anger and hate. Only you have the cure. It starts with learning to understand your emotions and learning to control your addiction to the strong emotions of anger and hate.
This month's motivational challenge is to challenge old beliefs which have caused us to struggle in our relationships with others. It begins with evaluating the relationship we have with ourselves. We may be able to show the world a facade of who we want them to see, but we can not hide from the truth of the thoughts that fill our mind.
It is time to stop blaming others, for what we choose to entertain in our head. Self-discipline is developed with daily action. When we don't feel like doing something, what occurs in our mind? Are we thinking more about what we will loose, rather than what we will gain?
What actions have we procrastinated, which we have later regretted? Have we learned from our procrastination or did it become a catalyst for toxic negative thought?
Today, let's reflect on what emotions we are attracted to and why. Do we tend to gather with individuals with the same type of emotional addiction? Is this benefitting us in obtaining the goals we have set for ourselves, or are our associations becoming a distraction?
When is the last time we've looked ourselves in the eye as we looked into the mirror and respectfully got real with ourselves? Maybe today is a good day to begin.
If you like this preview of Rip and Real, check out other books in The Ember Within Series
Since when did emotions become contagious? We're responsible for our own emotional reaction to what life places on our path.
There is no magic of think and poof it appears. The magic is in the action you take after strategizing on what action you'll take. Thought proceeds action.
Never take responsibility for another person's poor choice and behavior. Owns yours. Let them own theirs.
Daily Activity
What will you do today, to build a better tomorrow?