What is success? What isn't success? To understand what success means to us, we must also define our thoughts and feelings about not being successful. We usually begin with the later. Crossing off a list of ways we consider don't align with success. While this is a beneficial process, it leaves many activities in our life out of the equation.
When challenges come into our lives and we are faced with a consistent amount of obstacles to overcome, that is when our mindset can falter. It is at this point, our definition of success weighs into whether we can emotional get through these hard times, or whether we collapse in despair.
When we look at spring's blossoms do we smirk and say, 'I don't know why you are even trying, you know you're only go to last a few weeks, a month at best.' I don't think many of us have those thoughts, when we see spring flowers push through the soil. We celebrate their success in making it through the winter. We greet them with joy, for the time they will impact our lives.
When trees shed their leaves in the fall, do we laugh and say, 'I told you so!' We may laugh and dance in the falling leaves, appreciate the shade they gave in the hot summer heat, and enjoying their beautiful changing fall colors.
Why then, do we not do the same for ourselves and those around us. Life is cyclical there is times we will rise and times we will have setbacks and have to push through, to rise again. No one, rides on success's high 100% of the time. Social media may give off that impression, but it is an illusion. After the snapshots are taken, life becomes routine again. Even the most wealthy who can afford abundance and exotic vacation, are not immune from life's patterns.
Today, let's take the time to think about the nuances of our mindset regarding success. What are the small successes we have every day? Can we have a really hard day, with a lot of failures and still be successful? I would challenge that we can... if... we focus on the success in the lessons learned through failure.
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