Embrace the Journey with Carin Camen

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So whether you're looking to add a touch of natural elegance to your home, or want to show off your love of nature with a beautiful and unique piece of clothing, Carin Camen's Embrace the Journey Merchandise is the perfect choice. Browse our collection today and discover the beauty of nature like never before.

Success is a choice. When we focus on the outcome of success, rather than the fear of failure, we choose to succeed by our actions.

The Art of Relationships

I respect everyone's choice to have their own thoughts about who they are. I simple share my thoughts about being a woman and relationships. These are my 3 am morning thoughts, for today.

I may expand upon them in my third or fourth book of The Art of Defining Me series. With Wings of Blue Flame and I Rise Once More are currently on hold.

The Ember Within icon page separator.

Couple holding shells so it looks like a heart.

There is a continuous cycle of energy exchange when we are in harmony. Men naturally flow into women. The essence of who they are is poured into us and we as absorb them. It is how we become one.

If a woman isn't mindful of what she takes in,
it can corrupt her essence.

Women naturally feed life from the essence of themselves. This life giving conduit requires a woman to have unconditional love, as she sacrifices her body to give life. A seed is planted, but through our bodies and what we choose to put into them, we nurture the growth as we watch the destruction of the body we use to have. 

This exchange of energy is essential, and it must be kept pure. A man pours in strength, a woman feeds with unconditional love, and new life is born.


We are the guardians of the future. When a couple has a strong relationship, the man bares responsibility as well. He takes on the role of protector, mentor, and provider of the future. For our future to be secure, it takes both committed to ensuring the success of the life created together. As the receptor, if a woman allows weakness, anger, etc. poured into her, what she feeds becomes convoluted and tainted with what she's received. 


Anger poured in, anger flows out.


Thus, every sexual partner we have flows within us. We exchange energies, which are not just our own. Energy can be reduced to a state of non-existence. We've all seen what occurs when our phone looses it's charge. The ability to recharge is available, but unless it is plugged into an energy source, it will remain inoperable.

Thus, to cleanse oneself of negative energy obtained through sexual exchange, takes time and an active effort to cleanse the body and mind. This exchange of energy can strengthen or destroy. It is why both individuals must work individually and collectively in maintaining and raising their vibrational energy, so when an exchange occurs, synergy takes place.

What we in society crave the most, is the energy exchange. Physical sexual stimulation doesn't necessarily mean you need a partner. One can be self-sufficient and sexually satisfied.

However, an energy exchange is essential to ones health and happiness. This exchange can occur through touch. But the strongest exchange is through sexual stimulation.

The breakdown we are seeing in our society is due to the pollution of our vibrational energy. We are spreading a contagious disease of anger, hatred, depression, bitterness, and more. This isn't about a Deity making a commandment, this is about our individual and collective choice. Who do we choose to exchange our vibrational energy with, in the most power and effective way for it to be exchanged? It is a question we must each answer for ourselves, and respect the right of others to answer the question in a manner which is right for them.

The question then is, how do we as a society, realign our vibrational energy exchange?


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash










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1 comment

  • I agree 👍
    CarinCamen.com replied:
    Thank you for commenting, Dr. Raymond. I appreciate your support.

    Doc Raymond

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