When considering a color palette for your business or personal use, consider using sunrise and sunset settings. You can utilize natural lighting or programed indoor lighting to help extend the emotional connection to sunrises and sunsets. This will help to set a mood for different times of day your customers enter your establishment.
In this color palette you have the natural brown thumbnails accentuated by the blue and gold of the sunset. If you look closely at the photo, you can see how you can easily pull out greys, orange, yellow, and sand color tones. This color palette can be used from contemporary to traditional settings, all dependent upon the style of furniture and décor you select.
As you begin establishing your brand. Set up a wall with your selections. Make sure you add in paint swatches, fabric (actual or photographed,) rugs, flooring, and photos of the décor that appeals to you. You will most likely find you are naturally drawn to certain elements. It may be a fixture, a material, or a painting.
You will also find each color palette will take on it's own personality, changing your selections of what you would put with it. Putting this up on a wall and stepping back, will allow you to see where your eye consistently is drawn to. By coming back throughout the day, for several days or weeks, you will find a consistency in where you first look. Trust your judgement.
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