It is important to remember that what you personally prefer to wear for clothing, shouldn't direct your decision for branding. A pastel color palette may cause hesitancy in how to implement with uniforms. Uniform attire can be made in a neutral color of grey or black with the logo utilizing a pastel color palette.
In this color palette, you can see there are many more shades of white, blue, and mauve which can be pulled out to extend your options. Several choices can be made on which colors to choose for your primary and accent. There are several options to expand any color palette. Once you have the hex number, you can go to an online color wheel and plug the number in. They will then show you the color harmony which will work with the primary color you have chosen.
A quick browser search for color wheel will give you a variety of free online services. A lot of time can spent in the Discovery Phase in researching and putting together your brand style guide. The time taken, is beneficial. It is better to take the time at the initial phase of your project. Rushing this phase, will cost you more in time, money, and resources to correct.
This pastel color palette gives you multiple options for its use. If you went with the dark mauve as your main, with the lighter blues and white as your accents, will traditionally be more of a peaceful feminine look. Implementing the blue as your main with the mauve as your accents will provide will extending the peaceful feel to be more encompassing.
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