Nature's color palettes change throughout the day. When you are exploring to find a color palette from nature, make sure you are visiting the same spot during different times of the day and then comparing and contrasting which palette you prefer. Likewise, when you utilize the palette, different lighting and times of day will change how it will look.
You'll want to view the color palette in different lighting and different times of the day, to ensure that it will represent what you are striving to achieve. In this color palette you can see how the sun setting on this mountain brings out a brighter orange color in the dark rust mountain tones. There are several subtle tones of blue which could be utilized.
As you are selecting your branding color palette, have multiple palettes to review. By taking the time to do a small prototype of the environment in each color, you can then bring in a small group of beta customers to discuss their emotional connection with the colors shown and your products and services.
It will take some time, expense, and effort to also prototype a few products in the different color palettes. But, by going this extra effort, you will gain confidence in your final selection and the money you will invest, putting everything into production.
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