Throughout nature, you will find a wide assortment of color for inspiration. Don't discount the color because you may not personally like the creature associated with it. By detaching the beauty of the color, with your emotional response, you can often pull out some beautiful color thumbnails.
Nature teaches how to blend in harmony with your surroundings. With this color palette you can quickly see how the colors of browns and greens could be utilize to create a welcoming environment for your business or home. If you happen to enjoy frogs, your business could evolve around the icon you create.
The emotional impact you want to create for your customers, is done by connecting the emotion of color with your company message. Think of it like a color wheel. You can have a monochromatic color palette and message or you can go with a sharp contrast between the color palette and brand messaging.
For example, a soft color palette could have a brand message which reflected the mood. In the color palette shown, if this was used for a spa, you would want the message to be relaxing. To accomplish that, you would use the natural brown tones adding in some wood elements. Adding in plants would bring in the green colors and then you could accent sparingly a few of the green thumbnail colors.
If you went with the opposite effect with this color palette, you could use the brighter green colors for the logo and have a stronger tagline. "When life gets hectic, jump into a new dimension of relaxation." With this tagline, you can still utilize the color palette, but your décor would also represent a transition into a luxurious spa experience.
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