It is during the times when the storms of life come, that we need to learn to harness the power of the wind. Every storm in life has the power of destruction or the power to propel us forward. It all depends on how we set our sails and if we choose to stay the course.
During challenging events in our lives, we may need to make slight alterations in our navigation of where we desire to be, while maintaining our focus on our destination. When the stress level is high, this is the time when listening is often more important than talking.
During stressful times in our lives, our mind often goes into overdrive. If we will listen in silence, we can discover insight to what is occurring with others, by observing their body language and subtle clues. A sigh, deep breathing, clinched fist, and closing of the eyes in meditation are only a few of the signals that can be our guide to the situation.
It is when you are comfortable with silence, relationships can be strengthened. However, if other forms of communication are not implemented, it can be damaging to the relationship. This applies to both personal and professional relationships. Prolonged silence, can be an indication of lack of interest.
Whether it be improving our relationship with ourselves, or in our personal or professional relationship, there will be thorns. The key is to find the roses amongst those times, when it feels as we are stuck in a bed of thorns. It is during these challenging times, strength is found.
If you like this preview of Rip and Real, check out other books in The Ember Within Series
Storms in life come and go. Learn to harness the wind, set your sails, and stay the course. Use the force of the storm to propel you forward.
When you're comfortable being in silence with someone, you know you have a beautiful relationship growing.
Find the roses amongst the thorns. The hidden treasures. It is where the beautiful and strong you, emerges.
Daily Activity
What will you do today, to build a better tomorrow?