Oh yes... wouldn't we all love to have life be easy and our days filled with blissful moments. But would we? The person we are today, is because we overcame the challenges life placed on our path yesterday. Do we like who we are?
Life guarantees us experience. Experiences which assist us in understanding how our emotions react to different situations. The most experience, the more skilled we become in our knowledge, understanding, and ability to engage with life to achieve what we desire.
Reflect back as a child. How many tasks was it hard for us to do? We needed help putting on our coat to go outside and play. We were dependent upon someone else helping us, in order for us to have the freedom of enjoyment. Reflect on how we were incapable of swinging, yet we loved to swing. Again, we were dependent upon another to have the thrill of flying through the air with the wind in our hair.
With every obstacle and challenge, we faced as a child, we were determined to overcome and learn the skills to do it on our own. Do you remember the frustration, the temper tantrums when it was hard and we couldn't do it? Do you remember your pure determination to figure it out yourself? So what happened to us as adults? Are we just throwing ourselves on the ground in a temper tantrum, rather than tacking the difficult task until we excel at it?
Today, let's reflect on what we need to do to bring out that inner determination we had as a child. The next time you bend over to tie your shoes, or you button up your own shirt... remember... you can do that because of your sheer stubbornness and determination to figure it out.
If you like this preview of Hidden Treasures, check out other books in The Ember Within Series https://author.to/TheEmberWithinSeries