The world seems to be flowing with bad news on a daily basis. COVID-19 is the headline throughout the day. It is used for political points and gain. It has become a source of panic and fear. People have begun to fight in the stores over the basics necessities of life. Toilet paper has become a valuable commodity.
Yet amongst the chaos, there are heroic acts and sacrifices that are being made. There is a unity that is being formed, this world hasn't seen in a long time. Rather than warring with each other, we have a common "enemy" to war with and battle in order to save humanity.
Countries are reaching out and talking to each other. Sharing information about how to combat an enemy that threatens every border and country. A common enemy that helps, for a moment to not view each other as the threatening enemy.
Countries are voluntarily closing their borders to help keep the virus from spreading out from and into their country. The scientific and medical community from around the world are collaborating to share their research and findings. Countries where the virus hasn't spread to, have learned from countries that have dealt with the virus and are putting in measures to keep their public safe.
In Kigali, hand washing before boarding a bus is required. Individuals are pleased to accommodate this new rule. We are seeing similar acts of common courtesy throughout the world as individuals are taking active measures to help stop this threat.
Communities are closing public gatherings to help protect their citizens. Schools are closing down. Companies are encouraging workers to work from home. While these measures may seem like it is limiting our interaction with each other, I challenge you to think how it is expanding our interaction. No longer are we isolating ourselves to a small group of familiar faces. We are using social media to reach out and connect with individuals from all around the world. To obtain live updates from individuals who are facing the same threat that we are.
Every day from around the world, people are using social media to share what is happening in their part of the world. What the media fails to do, the population has provided. We are better informed because we are communicating. We don't care about race, religion or political stance... all we care about it is how to protect the ones we love and ourselves.
It is the Evolution of Bad News. The silver linings if we choose to see them. Seeing them doesn't discount or minimize that people are suffering and dying. It doesn't minimize that tears are flowing for loved ones lost. Because we are communicating, we are hearing first hand stories of those losses and individuals from around the world are reaching out and trying to provide comfort.
Just as this virus has spread from one person to another to create a pandemic throughout the world, humanity has fought back with our own pandemic of working together to defeat this common threat. Never has our modern world been more united against one singular opposing force. It didn't take an invasion from out space to unite us. It was an invasion from within our own bodies. It's the infectious disease of unity, that may just save us all.
There is an underground movement beyond governments and leaders that is occurring. If governments or leaders fail us, this underground movement of sharing information remains strong. Small companies are stepping forward to be a part of this movement. Industries are stepping forward to join.
Individuals who are experts in their field are writing blogs to help share information.
As by the end of the week, four million tests will be made available all across America. Health Insurance companies have joined with Medicare and Medicaid to wave all co-pays and no surprise billing with COVID-19. Tele-care is being issued and/or extended to assist with having access to health care professionals.
While there is always room for improvement and we can always point fingers and cast blame, what if we step back and appreciate the long hours and hard work individuals are making to help keep their communities safe. Individuals who need a thank you for putting their lives at risk, in many cases, to help save a stranger. Individuals who are facing an unknown and have stepped up to use their expertise to find solutions. These people could use kind words of appreciation for their sacrifices that they are making.
The Evolution of Bad News can go multiple ways. It can become a pandemic in and of itself. It can evolve into unity or evolve into creating further division of mistrust. Each of us needs to decide our personal responsibility in which way we will assist in which direction that Evolution of Bad News pandemic will spread.
Choose wisely.
March 10, 2020 COVID-19 Update see 12:10 - 13:15 regarding new Health Care regulation changes to help reduce the burden on the American population.
Resource center for COVID019
March 7, 2020 FDA COVID-19 Press Briefing
March 10, 2020 COVID-19 Task Force Press Briefing