A monochromatic color palette in blue can also be used to create a mood from calm and relaxing, to bright and exciting. To create a calm and relaxing feel, you'll want to stick pretty closely to using the shades and tones of blue. To create a bright and exciting feel, you'll use the blue monochromatic palette as the background and then introduce colors of yellow, pink, red, orange, lavender or green. Even introducing these colors, you can switch up the feel by deciding whether the accent colors will be bright or muted.
Be willing to explore different options to make your final determination. One of the best ways to see how different colors compliment each other is to visit a paint store and gather several paint cards with the variety of colors you are reviewing. You can then mix and match the colors to help you make your final selection.
Finding a photo with the colors online, you can either hold up the paint chip swatches on the screen, or print out the photo and place the paint chips on it. The later allows you to take your photograph into different lighting to see how the colors will look during different kinds of light and throughout the day.
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