Embrace the Journey with Carin Camen

Looking to add a touch of nature's beauty to your home or wardrobe? Look no further than Carin Camen's Let's Get Lost Adventure Photography Merchandise. WIth every adventure Carin discovers the Hidden Treasures and Nature's Art. Carin hand selects which pieces go into her exclusive merchandise which is only available on her website.

So whether you're looking to add a touch of natural elegance to your home, or want to show off your love of nature with a beautiful and unique piece of clothing, Carin Camen's Embrace the Journey Merchandise is the perfect choice. Browse our collection today and discover the beauty of nature like never before.

Success is a choice. When we focus on the outcome of success, rather than the fear of failure, we choose to succeed by our actions.

Nov 18, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Eighteen

Breaking Through - Day Eighteen Our first thoughts in the morning, should be in the belief of our ability to succeed at the day's tasks. When we arise in confidence with ourselves, we are filled with gratitude by acknowledging those who have helped us gain confidence.At the end of the day, express gratitude for those who helped you achieve. Express gratitude for the wins you experienced.

Nov 17, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Seventeen

Breaking Through - Day Sixteen Strength comes, from pushing through the hard times. The strength we have today, to face the challenges before us, came from overcoming the challenges of yesterday. We have a history of overcoming. We must press forward, with confidence.

Nov 16, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Sixteen

Breaking Through - Day Sixteen Our greatest asset, is not giving up. This doesn't mean that we blindly continue doing what is working. Not giving is about, being willing to look at the good, bad, and ugly and learning from it. It is about being willing to adjust, to try new things, knowing there will be times we succeed and times we fail.

Nov 15, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Fifteen

The joy of succeeding is stronger, when we embrace the emotional journey to achieve success. Success comes with a variety of emotions along the way. Frustration, excitement, anger, peace, discouragement, and happiness are just a few we will experience. Each emotion experienced, gives us the opportunity to discover why we are having that emotional response the event.

Nov 14, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Fourteen

Breaking Through - Day Fourteen Today our focus is on increasing our patience with ourselves. We are surrounded with quick fix mentality. If things don't happen immediately, we become impatient. We see on social media photos of others who are successful, who boast of their success, and then try to sell us their formula.

Nov 13, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Thirteen

Breaking Through - Day Thirteen Day thirteen, we focus on the concept of consistent daily action. Too often, we beat ourselves up because we didn't reach the goals we set. When we break down our larger goals into daily actions, every step forward gets us closer to our objective. Celebrating the win of the day, is important in maintaining a positive mindset. 

Nov 12, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Twelve

Breaking Through. Setbacks are a reality to life. When we look at them as opportunities to explore better ways, we are then opening our mind to possibilities. A setback can often be a launching point for a stronger recovery.

Nov 11, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Eleven

Breaking Through. The journey of breaking through is developing the future you. The struggles of today assist you in being stronger to overcome the struggles of tomorrow. Life is not going to be living on 'Easy Street.' 

Nov 10, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Ten

Breaking Through. Far too often discouragement comes, when our goals are large and progress seems to be slow or delayed. By breaking down large goals into smaller goals and tasks we can take daily actions towards the goals. Celebrate the win of the day.

Nov 9, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Nine

Breaking Through. We all have our own methods of breaking through the obstacles that are before us. There is no 'one way' to overcome. While advice and suggestions often have value, there are times when they can become a distraction.  Overcoming involves gathering information to make an informed decision. 

Nov 8, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Eight

Breaking Through. A friend recently had to remind me, that we are not defined by how we fall, but by how we rise. We are experiencing historic events in our country and around the world. The emotional impact on our lives, can take a hold of our stress meter and turn it to high. Distractions abound, even if the distraction is beneficial to our knowledge and well being.

Nov 7, 2020

Breaking Through - Day Seven

Breaking Through. The obstacle before us, may seem insurmountable. It may appear as if it is a solid brick wall. This is when we need to apply the laws of physics and break the obstacle down into smaller sizes, which we can then overcome.
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